Thursday, July 23, 2009

The values of lies

Come into my parlour said the spider to the fly!!

Yes, that is exactly what a person does when they start lying. They step into the spiders web.

My journey through FC has been a great adventure. along the way i made so many friends, gained a virtual family that i adore and unfortunately encountered some of the deepest hate a person can imagine.

Through it all my new family has been strong and faces whatever comes together.

In the last few days I am amazed at the lengths some people will go to to cover their discrepencies and the level of lying they will go t simply to make themselves look better.

They could learn a lot from the spider or maybe they aleady have.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The dream will soon be a reality

As each day passes now i wake with a growing sense of anticipation. My dreams wrapped in a glorious sunset amongt beauty and love. Soon the dreams of the past year will become a reality and i will finally be able to hold those who have touched my heart and soul for such a long time.
So many times people ask about the existence of heaven and hell and i can only reply that my belief is that they are nothing more than simple states of mind that we each create for ourselves. This might not be heaven but it will come as close to happiness as one can get.
To join with those that care, who laugh with us, cry with us or simply make each day better simply by being.
sometimes the simple things in life are the most precious.